First in India
Doctors and the paramedics in India are concerned about three major issues in the I.V. Infusion containers.
  • Are all the I.V. Infusion containers sterilized at 121˚C?
  • Do they have a two port closure system conforming to international standards?
  • Is it transparent enough for clear visual inspection?
And the other reason for annoyance is the problem of leakage, which at times, damages the hospital equipment.

Heeding to these inadequacies, and the inconvenience experienced by doctors and paramedics emanating from the existing nipple-head BFS I.V. containers, we at Amanta have developed a new technology container, SteriPort.

SteriPort overcomes all the drawbacks of the widely used nipple-head BFS (also called FFS in India) containers.
What is SteriPort?
SteriPort is a unique container, the first in India, developed using random copolymer polypropylene as the primary packing. SteriPort is manufactured using the advanced ISBM process. The value innovation of SteriPort include:
  • Sterilization at 121˚C
  • Superior Sterility Assurance Level (SAL): 10 -6
  • The container is 100% transparent.
Tamper- evident closure system
  • One for IV Set.
  • The second for supplemental medication.
  • There is an additional protective barrier between the solution and the head.
  • Latex-free elastomer is used for the cap.
  • The closure system is 100% leak-proof.
  • Multiple spiking of the head is possible.
Primary Packaging Material – Random Copolymer Polypropylene (RCPP)
  • Very high tensile Strength
  • Exceptional optical properties
  • Can withstand temperature up to 128˚C
Leakage Eliminated
It has been frequently observed by the paramedics that in preparing intravenous infusion leakage from nipple-head BFS (FFS) bottle of I.V. fluids, after spike of I.V. set is inserted into the container, leakage is a common occurrence. This results in the wastage of I.V. fluids. This causes a host of problems like financial loss (increasing overall cost of treatment), I.V. fluid spillage on operation theatre floor (mechanical and electrical hazards), and importantly, error in calculating administered I.V. fluid (very critical in pediatric patients). The gravity of this problem in India where often patient workload outnumbers the available resources and quality controls are not so stringent.

This problem has been completely eliminated in SteriPort. SteriPort thus fulfills all needs of the doctors and paramedics for safety and convenience.
ISteriPort thus benefits everyone – the doctors, the paramedics, the hospital and above all, the patients.

  • Leakproof
  • Meets global standards
  • 100% Quick Resealing
  • Tamper evident
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